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Dance To Your Own Tune

Ages 3+    40 mins
A fun and exciting class, for boys and girls, introducing the foundations of Ballet. Through child centered learning we will explore spatial awareness, movement, rhythm, balance and other areas of dance whilst building confidence and learning listening skills.We use props such as ribbons, balls, musical instruments and scarves used to complement and encourage movement and musical response. Children will also learn to work with partners or in small groups to encourage cooperation and develop social skills.

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Pre-Primary / Primary in Dance

Children will learn ballet basics with a continued emphasis on fun, imagination and expression. They will develop their understanding of ballet technique with an emphasis on expression and enjoyment.


Grade 1 Modern

Modern is an exciting and dynamic form of dance. This includes sharp, commercial dance to current music as well as expressive contemporary/lyrical dance. Following the ISTD syllabus children will build the basics of Modern technique in a fun and challenging way.

Tap Dance Class

Primary Tap

Whether you are inspired by Fred Astaire or Tap Dogs, Tap is wonderful for all ages.
It improves coordination,rhythm, musicality, strength and memory as well as increasing cardiovascular fitness. Get those toes tapping!



Acrobatic Arts is a unique blend of dancing and gymnastic disciplines that is taking the dance world by storm. Loved by both teachers and students alike Acrobatic Arts is a multi-discipline blend and is also known as AcroDance. Stunning moves from gymnastics is blended with steps and routines from the dance world for a unique and modern approach to dance.

Classes: Services
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